A Rose at Midnight - Anne Stuart
Holy crap this was awesome!

Now...this book is not going to be for everyone. It's dark and the hero is one hell of an alphahole. He is the quintessential anti-hero and Stuart writes them the best.

Having said that, the book starts as a revenge plot with the heroine, Ghislaine, trying to murder the hero, Nicholas for what she believes is his responsibility for her parents deaths during the Reign of Terror. After her attempt misfires, he abducts her to try to get to the bottom of it (and bed her in the meantime).

The push/pull of the love/hate, the sexual tension, the suspense of being on the run with the background story of Ghislaine's sad story of having to fend for herself and her brother on the streets of Paris ramps up the angst to epic proportions - and make for fast reading. My shoulders ached by the time I was finished with this book.